Blaze Foley

John Prine is my favorite singer song writer. I have listened to his music for years. I have even seen him preform live at the Paramount Theater in Austin, Texas. In 2005 he put out an album Fair and Square on which was a song Clay Pigeons. Clay Pigeons was written by Blaze Foley and each time John Prine sang that song he gave writing credit to Blaze Foley. Therefore, I had heard “this is a song written by Blaze Foley” many many times.

In June 2022 I was watching an old video of John Prive  singing on Austin City Limits and for the first time EVER when he said ” this is a song written by Blaze Foley” I wondered – who was Blaze Foley?

A quick internet search provided limited but enough information to understand who Blaze Foley before he was shot and killed on West Mary Street in Austin Texas in 1989.

Owning Austin Ghost Tours I of course thought I should check out that location on West Mary Street someday. Coincidentally, the next day my daughter, who was babysitting just 2 block from the address where Blaze was murdered, asked that I drop something off to her. Needless to say I stopped by the murder location. While I was standing on the sidewalk looking at the front of the house the owner came out. She knew about Blaze Foley. No strange haunted events had transpired. I queried if it would be okay  for co-worker Monica and I told Blaze’s story in the room where he had been shot to see if there were any spirits around who had something to say.  In particular Blaze.

She said sure because she was about to move and it could be a form of closure because it was a good possibility that whoever bought the house would tear it down. She had lived there since 1997 and besides some basic upgrades the house was much the same.

Coming soon to our Haunted Texas and Beyond Podcast is the story of that day.