A young American Indian girl has often been spotted around the 600-year-old oak tree. She usually only appears to other children. Sometimes she is seen lying on the ground under the tree, other times peeking around the tree, and a couple of times perched on a limb in the tree.
There is a story associated with the Jourdan-Bachman family that tells of a time Mrs. Jourdan and one of her daughters found a young American Indian girl who had fallen from a tree and had a broken arm. They attempted to take the girl to their home to treat her injury. It was a very bad break with the bone protruding from her arm. The girl was in pain and very frightened and ran away. Later Mrs. Jourdan learned the girl had died. Perhaps this is the same girl whose ghost now roams the farm.
One morning a volunteer was preparing for a special event at the farm. She was using her vehicle to haul supplies around the farm. On one trip past the Tonkawa Camp she saw a man in American Indian costume standing beside the road. She blinked and he vanished. This man was not shadowy or pale. He looked as any living person would. Several weeks later another volunteer was walking past the Tonkawa Camp and saw a man in American Indian clothing walking around the camp. She did not recognize this person. As she watched he stepped into one of the tee pees. Without taking her eyes off the teepee she walked over to talk to him. The teepee was empty. There is only 1 opening and not enough space under the edges for an adult to crawl out.
GERMAN FARM (one room log cabin)
Volunteers have claim to have seen:
Krueger in and around the house here. A blue orb has been seen in the woods behind the house when no other person was in the area.
A young girl watching from behind the house when volunteer children are playing in the yard.
Pioneer Farms has been a location for several movies and short films. During one of these times a man had brought his horses to be used during the filming. Since his home was some distance from Pioneer Farms, he was staying overnight in a travel trailer near a temporary corral where he boarded his horses. After filming ended for the evening and everyone had left the site, he was readying for bed when the door to his trailer opened. He thought he had locked the door. He looked out and saw no one so he closed the door and locked the door and double checked that it was locked. As he got into bed, the door opened again. He checked the door and looked around outside. Seeing no one and seeing the door was still locked, he thought the door must not have latched fully and a gust of wind may have blown it open. He assured the door was fully latched and locked and returned to bed. The door opened again. He ran out the door expecting to catch some prankster. He heard child like giggles and spotted a young girl run around the trailer. He followed but found no one. He returned to his trailer, locking the door but didn’t get much sleep that night!
Nature Trail/Pecan Bottoms
3 volunteers were leading a scout group on a tour of the farm. They wanted to go see Walnut Creek and view the old wagon crossing where Sprinkle Road crossed the creek during the 1800’s. As they neared the area they heard a loud crash and screams. The adult ran to the creek but saw nothing amiss.
When volunteers have been setting up the trail, they sometimes work well after dark to gauge the lighting and props after dark. Sometimes one volunteer will be working alone along the area used as the Red Trail. This volunteer has reported whistles and voices. The gate is locked and no one else is on the property. Other volunteers have been sitting on the creek bank and heard voice speaking in another language. One volunteer says he has camped along the creek and heard words he recognized as the Tonkawa language. This volunteer has studied the tribe to assist in recreating the type encampment the tribe used when their camp was along Walnut Creek.
Small, bright red lights are often reported by volunteers along this area during Halloween. The lights circle them. These are different than the lightning bugs (or fireflies) that glow with yellow light or the beetles that emit tiny blue or green lights.